Cardiff and Bridgend Clinics
Contact Us

Chiropractor and Podiatrist in Cardiff & Bridgend

Please phone, send us an email or drop by to ask about an appointment with a chiropractor in Cardiff/Bridgend or even one of our podiatrist. You can locate each of our wellbeing clinics by clicking on the individual links to each Chiropractic clinic, where you can also view each clinic’s phone number and email address. Alternatively you can e-mail us at this address:

We will always try to accommodate you as quickly as possible and set you on the road to good health.

If at any time you want to send us a comment about anything on this site or ask further questions about our practice, chiropractor or podiatrist then please use the link to send us an e-mail.

We are always happy to hear from you and we will endeavour to reply to your comment as soon as possible.